Creative Picnic: Brand Style

Creative Picnic is a boutique marketing agency coming soon to good old NYC, which focuses on bringing creative professionals together. If you've been following my latest Instagram posts, you've already seen a bit of this bold new branding project in the works. Creative Picnic's style can be described as “modern Great Gatsby with a bite.” Oh, yeah. This one is going to be an absolute stunner.


Chic, Fresh, Fun & Fearless

Creative Picnic - Brand Style

Creative Picnic - Brand Style

Needless to say, I couldn't be more excited about this one and I can't wait to share more!

Melissa Yeager

Melissa is a holistic brand designer and teacher who creates strategically stunning brands that speak to the soul, while teaching other designers to do the same.

Finding Your Brand's Voice: Part 2


Finding Your Brand's Voice: Part 1