Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

8 Inspiring Podcasts for the Aspiring Entrepreneur

A year ago I was working as the creative director at a photography production company just outside Philadelphia. I knew I was bumping my head against the ceiling there, and I'd been getting the itch to start a business of my own for a while now. But with a newly purchased home and our wedding-planning well underway, I knew it would take time and some serious preparation before I could finally take that leap.

Podcasts to the rescue!

At the time, I had a pretty hefty commute that was proving to be one of the most draining facets of my work situation. I mean, few things will make you feel like you're wasting your life away quite like sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic twice daily. Luckily, that's when I finally discovered podcasts.

I adore music, but I'm jamming constantly while I work and I wanted something more productive for my drives. Podcasts really couldn't have popped up at a better time for me. When I was feeling trapped by my circumstances, podcasts were my lifeline. They gave me hope, helped me clarify my brand strategy, kept my outlook positive, and made my daily commutes a lot less dreadful.

So without further ado, I'm sharing my favorite podcasts with you. Some are more serious than others, but all of these podcasts have been total game-changers for me. I hope that they'll be a light for you in your own journey too!

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