It's the Most Wonderful Time to Unplug

It's the Most Wonderful Time to Unplug - insights for slowing down & signing off for the rest of 2016

The holidays should be a time of loving, giving, and soaking in lots of quality time with the ones that matter most. Many of us (myself included) get so wrapped up in our own agendas and bottom lines that we forget—we forget the real reason for the season.

My first year in business has been such an amazing whirlwind and sharing weekly branding insights has introduced me to such an amazing community of passionate small business owners and entrepreneurs. However, as Christmas approaches I'm recognizing that I need some time to rest, recharge, and dedicate to loving on my dear ones. So in light of this holiday season, I've decided to take my own advice, slow down, and unplug for the rest of the year.

Take some time to remember what's truly important this time of year and consider unplugging from the hustle and bustle too. Your agenda will still be there when you return, but this is time you'll never get back. A bit of rest and reflection may be just what you need to greet 2017 with a whole new energy and resolve.

All of that said, you better believe I'll be back in the new year and more excited than ever to help you craft your own stunning and compelling brand. In the meantime, you can catch up on some of the branding articles you may have missed, sign up to stay in the loop for my brand new offerings (coming in 2017!), and chime in on my survey to help me build the best course possible for you!

Here's wishing you and yours a truly wonderful and blessed remainder of 2016!

Merriest Christmas to you & a very Happy New Year too!

See you next year!

Melissa Yeager

Melissa is a holistic brand designer and teacher who creates strategically stunning brands that speak to the soul, while teaching other designers to do the same.

2016: Year in Review


Why I Won't Design “Just a Logo”